Corporate Location
The Concord Trust Fund Office (TFO) is centrally located next to the Veranda Shopping Center, right off the I-680 freeway. We have ample free parking, reserved TotalTrust Member spots, and our staff is always happy to see you.
1000 Burnett Avenue, Suite 110
Concord, CA 94520-2000
8:30am to 4:30pm

Walk-In Lobby is NOW OPEN
Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Office Holidays
The Trust Fund Office is closed in observance of the following holidays:
January 1
New Year's Day
January 20
Martin Luther King Day
February 17
Presidents' Day
April 18
Good Friday (½ Day)
May 26
Memorial Day
July 4
Independence Day
September 1
Labor Day
November 27
Thanksgiving Day
November 28
Day Following Thanksgiving Day
December 23
½ Day Before Christmas (Observed)
December 24
Christmas Eve
December 25
Christmas Day
December 31
New Year's Eve (1/2 Day Observed)
January 1
New Year's Day

TotalTrust vision
Working for your benefit today and planning for your tomorrow.
TotalTrust Team
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